Metropolis has now it’s own shop. We started with Christoph Gallio’s label Percaso, Henry Kuntz and Ernesto Rodrigues Creative Sources, No Business, Zerx Records, Amirani Records, Arch Musik, Bayou Seco, Bill Payne, Connie Crothers, New Artists Records, Edgetone, Etude Records, Euphorium, Impressus, Humming Bird, Henry Kuntz, Jean Michel Van Shouwbourg, Jonathan Zorn, Kevin Frenette, Minority Records, Moe! Staianos Moe!Kestra!, Pata Music, Raymond Dijkstra, Thankyou Records, and others will follow. Labels, Group’s or Artist’s interested in to distribute their products via Metropolis, please use our contact page. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible with more detailed information.
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