John Carter 1976 | Photo: Mark Weber

listen to ist free-jazz heilbar ? – is free-jazz curable ?

Personal and professional web pages

For music related pages we created and for the poetry part the domain; even though both genres have a lot in common. If you want to have your own web presentation created by us, you can choose between:

  • or
  • or
    (or .net, .org, .info, .yourcountrycode — just ask)

Please keep in mind, we are not intending to create another copy of a copy of a copy of existing design and hosting platforms for John Doe’s, Monsieur Dupont’s, Hans Franz and Lieschen Meier. Please check out our existing pages and you will find out where we are coming from and where you will be heading with us.


We are using WordPress for page installations and a WordPress-based multi-installation software called WorpressMU. All what we offer is based on this open-source software and what the world-wide-wordpress community creates every day. You will always be having the latest technical features and updates on your page.

Our service

If you have a web project in mind, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will come back to you to discuss your project with you in detail and the price we would have in mind for your wishes.

Yours truthfully,

Monsieur K and Ravan
— the Free Jazz and Outlaw Poetry Team